Okay, okay, so I'll try not to panic and take one bite of the elephant at a time! I'm going to try and update this at least once a month, more frequently if something really pressing or exciting is happening. So what has happened since my last blog post? Sadly, not much in the way of technology! But I did manage to coordinate my first Book Fair, this'll be a twice yearly delight(maybe just a hint of sarcasm in here). I also was accepted to the Marlboro College Graduate School in their Masters in Teaching With Technology program. I begin my studies in January and I'm really quite "chuffed"! (Shout out to my British mates) Most exciting of all, I went on my first school visit! Some of you are probably saying "Huh? How is a school visit more exciting that getting into Grad School?"
I decided that one of my Professional Development Goals for my next round of the recertification process would be to build my PLC - Professional Learning Community. I was an ostrich with my head in the sand at my last job and didn't have any idea what was really happening in other schools. So I asked my principal if I could spend my Parent/Teacher conference day doing a school visit and she agreed that it would be an excellent use of my time. I spent the day with an amazingly talented and wonderfully welcoming librarian named Carol Sweney. I observed her teaching a couple of classes, we chatted about the Maker Space she is creating at her school, she shared all kinds of great Google docs with me to enhance my teaching, planning and communications and we talked shop for a bit. I came home, bursting with new ideas!
I am eager to see what else I can learn, and not just from face to face visits like this one. My PLC is growing every day via Twitter, I am actively participating in discussions on the Amazing Librarians Facebook page and I am making an effort to communicate with my colleagues; all of which are leaving me smiling and feeling more and more like I've made the right decision. I feel a bit like the Little Engine That Could...so long as I take things one step at a time and remember not to panic!
One of the shows that I've been watching is called Emma Approved, a You Tube adaptation of Jane Austen's Emma. One episode had Harriet Smith singing Maybe I Can while playing the Ukulele. I found it to be very timely in thinking about this blog post so I've decided to include the link. It made me smile and I hope it makes you smile too!
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