Thoughts of Winter and Pie
Hello all! This post is a bit off topic, and yet all part of my journey. There are two things that I have really enjoyed lately and I wanted to share that with you. The first is the Winter Activity Program at my school. For 5 weeks, every Thursday afternoon for 2 hours, the students participate in an activity that is typically outside of the regular classroom setting. Several of the students go over to the ski mountain for ski lessons, snowboarding, ski jumping etc. Other students take classes in gymnastics, cooking, karate or arts and crafts. I had the pleasure of participating in the Winter Sports activity for the 5 weeks and had a blast each time. We skated on the ice rink located next to the gym, we snowshoed through the trails in the woods, we went sledding down the big hill by the school and in general had a blast each and every day. Sadly I missed the last day of the program when the kids went cross-country skiing. What I enjoyed most about doing these activities was seeing these kids excel at things that I would never see in the classroom. They also saw me out skating around, and pushing myself to try things I wasn't very good at. When we have opportunities to share these experiences, it gives us all a better understanding of each other, and makes connections that enhance our teaching and learning.
The other fun thing that I recently enjoyed was my annual Pie for Breakfast Party! We had about 30 people at our house and around 20 different pies. It was a real treat. The reason why I wanted to mention it, is not because of the obvious deliciousness of the day, but rather all the wonderful people who surround me in my life. I am truly blessed to have so many unique and adventurous people that I can count as friends. Although several people called, emailed or texted in advance to say they couldn't make it this year, we still had a full house and a lot of fun! We even did some singing!